“Shortcut is used by another extension” (how to fix)

1 min read


If you received this message, below are two options to fix it (click on the options to reveal the steps).

Find the extension currently using the shortcut & assign different shortcut keys to it

  1. On the upper-right corner of your browser, click on the extensions icon.
  1. Click on “Manage extensions"
  1. On the left of the extensions tab, click on “Keyboard shortcuts”.
  1. Find the existing extension that with the same shortcut key assignment.
  1. Click the edit icon (pen) beside the shortcut’s field.
  1. Type in a different shortcut you wish to assign to that extension (required to have a “Ctrl” or “Alt/Option” key in the beginning).
Assign different shortcut keys for Beep

Follow the steps in this article.

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