⚡ How to Beep

Sharing & Receiving Beeps

4 min read


In this brief guide, you’ll see just how easy it is to be a beeping pro! 😎

After doing it a couple of times, we guarantee the process will become second nature & you’ll see your workflow speed skyrocket!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Requirements to Beep
  3. 1. Creating a Beep
  4. 2. Commenting in Beep
  5. 3. Saving/Sharing a Beep
    1. 3A. Saving a Beep
    2. 3B. Sharing a Beep
  6. 4. Receiving a Beep

Requirements to Beep

Beeping can only begin once you have ensured you have the following:

  • Functioning mouse/mousepad & keyboard
  • Internet Access
  • You have installed Beep on your browser & completed the sign-up process
  • On the browser, you are logged-in to the user account you used to install Beep

1. Creating a Beep

  1. Navigate to the website you want to comment on.
  1. Hold down both “Alt (Windows) / Option (Mac)” & “C” on your keyboard.
  1. Once you see your mouse cursor change to a purple circle with a white plus-sign in the center, you can stop pressing the keys.
  1. On the website, left-click where exactly you want to drop the beep. You should see a comment box appear.
  1. If you want to cancel making the current Beep, simply click the “x” button on the top-right corner of the comment box.

2. Commenting in Beep

  1. In the comment box (step 1.4), type your comment.
  1. You may notice that there is a 300 character limit. This is because Beeps are made to be concise and easy to read. Rephrase your text to something shorter if you surpass this limit.

3. Saving/Sharing a Beep

3A. Saving a Beep

  1. Double-check the comment you typed (since, at the moment, there is no way to edit beeps after they’ve been created).
  1. Left-click on the black “Save” button located in the lower-right corner of the comment box.
  1. You will see the comment box disappear and your avatar spinning. The word, “creating…”, will appear beside your avatar.
  1. When the avatar stops spinning and the words “added” appear - you have successfully saved the beep!

3B. Sharing a Beep

  1. Double-check the comment you typed (since, at the moment, there is no way to edit beeps after they’ve been created).
  1. There are 3 main ways to share a beep with someone (as shown in the image above):
    1. Sharing a Link
      1. Left-click the “share/link icon” button. A link will be automatically copied to your clipboard & the comment box will close.
      1. Head over to a messaging tool of your choice
      1. Paste the link in the chat box
      1. Send it out to the person.
    1. Email
      1. Left-click the button with a mail icon.
      1. On the window that appears, type your recipient’s email in the text bar and then click “+”. If successful, you should see their email address appear above the text bar.
      1. If you want to add more recipients, just repeat the previous step.
      1. If you want to remove recipients you added, just click on the “x” beside them.
      1. Once you’re done, click on “save”. This will close that window.
      1. Once back to the original Beep comment box, click on the “Save” button.
    1. Tagging a User
      1. Doing this requires the recipient to be a registered Beep user. If not, you can invite them.
      1. In the comment box, type “@” followed by the username of your recipient.
      1. After typing in their username, press space. You should see the “Save” button on the lower-right corner change to “Send”
      1. Click “Send”
    1. Assigning beeps via the dashboard (only for team mates)
      • To do this, click “Send”, continue to steps 3 & 4 of this list, and then follow the steps to assign beeps to team mates on this article.
  1. You will see the comment box disappear and your avatar spinning. The word, “creating…”, will appear beside your avatar.
  1. When the avatar stops spinning and the words “added” appear - you have successfully saved the beep!

4. Receiving a Beep

  1. When someone sends you a beep, you will receive a notification on the upper-right corner of your browser.
  1. The notification provides you 2 options:
    1. Clicking on “open” will take you to the screenshot share page (continue to step 3).
    1. Clicking on “go to url” will take you to the webpage where that beep was created (skip to step 4).
  1. On the screenshot share page:
    1. You will see the screenshot of the webpage on the left side with the sender’s avatar marking where on the page they dropped the beep.
    1. Hovering over the sender’s marker will reveal their comment.
    1. To reply to their beep:
      1. Click on “0 reply” on the right panel.
      1. Type your reply in the comment box that appears.
      1. Click the paper airplane button to send.
    1. To visit the webpage where the sender left the beep, click on the link displayed on the right panel.
  1. Once you are taken to the webpage, maximize the Beep toolbar and click the “locate” button to see the exact position the beep was left on the page.
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