🔗 Sending Beeps (via Link)

Share Beeps with anyone (even non-users)

2 min read

To share your beeps with people outside of your team, you can send them a link.

Here are 3 link share options:

  1. Option 1 - All Beeps on a Webpage
  2. Option 2 - All Beeps in a Project Folder
  3. Option 3 - All Beeps grouped via Hashtag

Option 1 - All Beeps on a Webpage

To share all beeps on the current page, just:

  • Click on the “share” button on the toolbar (shown in the image below). This will copy a link to your clipboard
  • Then you can just send that copied link to anyone.

Tip: To see what the shared link will look like, you can click “open all” on the toolbar.

Option 2 - All Beeps in a Project Folder

To share all beeps in the project:

  • Go to the dashboard (click here to find out how)
  • Click on the “Projects” category on the left-side of the window.
  • Click on the copy link icon of the project you wish to send.
  • Share the copied link with anyone

Option 3 - All Beeps grouped via Hashtag

To share all beeps with a specific hashtag with anyone:

  • Open the extension.
  • Click on the “organize” tab
  • Click on the “hashtags” tab
  • Click the “open all” button of the hashtag category you wish to open. A new tab will open with displaying all beeps containing that hashtag.
  • Copy the URL in the address bar
  • Send the copied link to anyone.

Stay Tuned for Future Updates!

We are also currently working on an extension-less option to create beeps on the live page.

You will be able to send a link to anyone, and they will be able to create beeps on the website without downloading the extension.

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