👁️ Show/Hide Beeps on Webpage

Toggle beep visibility & according to their status

2 min read

This article will show you how to:

  1. Show/Hide Beeps on the page
  2. Only show status-specific beeps

📌 Requirement: To use these 2 functions, there have to be beeps created/shared with you on the webpage you are viewing. If not, start by creating & saving/sharing beeps (click here to learn how).

Show/Hide Beeps on the page

  1. Whenever you open a webpage where beeps have been created/shared with you by another user, the beep toolbar will automatically appear.

    On the bottom-left of this toolbar, you will see the “show” button (as identified below)

  1. When you click on the “show” button, your beep avatar will appear where beeps have been created/shared with you.
  1. You can hover over any one of these markers to reveal their comment. These comment boxes allow you to perform more actions, such as:
    1. Hide that specific beep from view (eye icon)
    1. Deleting the beep (trash icon)
    1. Viewing the beep on a separate page with a larger screenshot (”open” button)
    1. Copying the beep’s link to clipboard (for sharing with anyone) (”link” button)
    1. Replying or viewing replies (speech box icon)
  1. To hide beeps’ visibility on the page, simply click on the “hide” button on the toolbar. After clicking this, the beep markers will disappear.

Only show status-specific beeps

If you want to only see beeps with a specific status (i.e., to do, in progress, done), then follow the steps below.

  1. Whenever you open a webpage where beeps have been created/shared with you by another user, the beep toolbar will automatically appear. First click on the upward arrow to reveal the list of beeps contained within the webpage.
    • (Optional) Anytime throughout this process, click on the “show beeps” button (as shown below) if you want to see where on the webpage beeps are located.
  1. Click on the filter icon button on the bottom-right of the toolbar (as identified below)
  1. On the pop-up window that appears below the filter button, click on the status of beeps you want to make visible. This will make beeps with other statuses invisible.
    • For example, if you clicked on the “in progress” status, only beeps with that status will be visible in the list (and also visible on the webpage if you click on the “show beeps” button)
  1. To go back to seeing all the beeps contained on the webpage, click on the filter button, and then click on the “all” status.
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